Prepare for the 50th anniversary celebration of WIXQ Homecoming weekend 2018

Read Doc Roc's history of the station

Here are some memories of the great times at WIXQ...

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4/10/2019Song ListListen: Record Store Day Promo
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3/27/2019Song ListListen
3/20/2019Song ListListen

From my college days 1988-1992

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Most of these carts I made are just emberrassing. However, 2 deserve a mention. The Sesame Street station ID was great, not because it showed the limitations of depicting "far away" on the radio, but because any DJ could use it. You played the cart and then played a song you liked and it worked. I think it was a very popular cart while it was in rotation.
The other cart is the banal "wear a seat belt" cart. It was sort of private joke. Apparently, right before I joined the station, there was a cart that said the exact same thing only it ended with, "...wear a condom." That caused a controversy and was pulled. I mostly made the cart to scare the knowing into thinking the banned cart was back. And also because of the cool car crash sound effect I found.
Amnesty International PSABlur Interview Promo
CMJ Best Unsigned Band Contest PromoNew Route Magazine Spot
Priority Club Recycled Paper Sale PromoInternational Relations Club Dance Promo
Show Promo - All Alternative WednesdayShow Promo - Caveman's Cathedral
Show Promo - Winter TimeSation ID - Sesame Street
Holiday Message from The Plastic Time CapsuleWear A Seat Belt PSA
Extinction - Rainforest Action Network PSAThink Of Yourself - Rainforest Action Network PSA
Archbishop Romero March PSAEarth Day 1990 PSA
Peace Coalition Letter Writing Day PSAPen Pal - Write Congress PSA
Picture - Write Congress PSATree Falling - Rainforest Action Network PSA
Glow In The Dark Show Promo

Two program grids. The first I am on from 4:00 to 7:00 PM on Friday as a fill in, plus my regular spot on Wednesday from 10:00 PM until I was tired. And the second, I am on from2:00 to 4:00 PM on Monday.

Fall 1989

Circa 1988 or 1989

Here are some playlists from different shows. If I remember, the left column was to mark new songs, the next was if the song was a request, then if the song was on CD (Who cares?), and a message cart.

This is probably the first show that I played A Show Of Hands, a band that Chris Hickey was in. That moment is one of the clearest memories I have as a DJ.

Here is another playlists from that semester...

Friend and music guru, Ed Whitelock...

The infamous Jerry Rivers investigation "Is Elvis Alive" (I still can't say that without adding an echo effect).

As we get more settled in our new home, I will keep an eye out for more mementos from the great times at WIXQ.

If you would like me to email you when I add new items, let me know.